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Here are link to some of the major Archery Socities in the UK  - from their websites you should be able to find a club link, which will show all the clubs around the Country. 

Target Archery:

Archery GB (Formally Grand National Archery Society) - http://www.archerygb.org/

WAA - Welsh Archery Association - http://www.welsharcheryassociation.com/

SA - Scottish Archery - http://www.scottishfieldarchery.scot/

NIAS - Northern Ireland Archery Society -  http://www.niarchery.co.uk/

Field Archery :

NFAS - National Field Archery Society - http://www.nfas.net/

EFAA - English Field Archery Association - http://www.efaafieldarcher.com/

WFAA - Welsh Field Archery Association - http://www.wfaa-archery.co.uk/

SFAA - Scottish Field Archery Association - https://www.sfaa-ltd.com/

NIFAA - Northern Ireland Field Archery Association - http://www.sixgolds.com/nifaa.htm

Other Archery Associations:

BWAA - British Wheelchair Archery Association - http://www.british-wheelchair-archery.org.uk/

British Longbow Society - http://www.longbow-archers.com/longbowsociety.htm...

English Warbow Society - http://www.theenglishwarbowsociety.com/

BHAA - British Horeback Archery Association - http://www.bhaa.org.uk/

BBA - British Bowhunter Association - http://www.britishbowhunterassociation.co.uk/