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Avalon TYRO Fully Made Carbon Arrow
Avalon TYRO Fully Made Carbon Arrow

Price per Arrow - Full Length £4.25
Discounted 1 Dozen Price £45.00 (£3.75 per Arrow)

Price per Arrow - Cut to Length £4.95
Discounted 1 Dozen Price £53.40 (£4.45 per Arrow)

Really nice fully fletched and pointed, ready to shoot Carbon Arrow.

Ideal for any level of archer.

There is no choice of fletching, nock colour or point weight.

Arrow Length and Point Weight is determined by the spine you chose.

We have had to add an additional charge for the arrow cutting service.
This is due to the time it takes to remove the points, cut the shaft and then refit the points.

If we are cutting the arrows down please specify to what length.
Industry standard arrow length is measured from the inside of the nock to the end of the shaft/ carbon and does not include the point.

Straightness Tolerance: .007"

Vanes: EP23

Spine: Inner Diameter: Outer Diameter: Point Weight: GPI:
1000 .4.20mm 5.32mm 70gn 5.15
900 .4.20mm 5.32mm 70gn 0
800 .4.20mm 5.48mm 90gn 6.02
600 .4.20mm 5.68mm 90gn 6.96

Price: £4.25
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